Saint Anthony's of Padua Church

Dudley, Massachusetts
22 Dudley Hill Road

| Contact Information | Reminders | Other Announcements |

Mass Schedule

Special Events

Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am

Monday: 8:30 am

Tuesday: 7:00 pm

Wednesday: 8:30 am

Saturday: 4:00 pm

Holy Days: 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Contact Information

Fr. Paul Campbell
(508) 943-0470

CRE/RE Office
Linda Brink
(508) 949-0335
Office Hours: By Appointment

Administrative Assistant
Valerie Milosh
Office Hours: 8:30-12:30

Reminders & Special Announcements


Other Announcements

Confessions Saturday from 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Flowers If you would like to dedicate flowers in memory of someone at any of the Masses, please call the directory.
Marriages For the sacrament of marriage please make arrangements at least one year in advance.
New Parishioners We welcome all newcomers to our parish and invite you to register as members of our parish family, either after Mass or by calling the the rectory.
Unable To Attend Church Anyone unable to attend church due to illness or care of someone, please call the rectory. Fr. Paul or a Eucharistic Minister will gladly bring you Communion.

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